Even if you are not born with the power of positive thinking. Everyone can train and change themselves to be a positive thinker by following how to guidelines.
Examine your negative thoughts. Review them and write down how negative each thought is. Think about the reasons why you have negative thoughts. Find arguments that you shouldn’t think negatively. And try to think positively in that situation UFABET
Look for the good. Every coin has two sides. In a bad situation, there is always a good side. For example, even though you may feel sad after losing your job, consider it an opportunity for yourself to relax, try new experiences or things you haven’t had time to do yet. Or try to think of positive suggestions instead of criticizing things. This will not only help you train yourself to think positively, but it may also create good changes for those around you.

Follow the example of a positive thinker to inspire you to change your attitude. Try to be that person for a while. If you were to face a similar situation, what would you think? Try to think positively in the same way.
Try to think positively. Don’t hesitate to think positively, even if you are not used to it at first. Everything takes time and effort to succeed. If you can do it once, it may be a good encouragement to think positively.
Practice positive thinking to become skilled. In addition to having a positive effect on your thoughts, emotions, worldview, and life, always thinking positively is also beneficial to your health.